But Henry has developed a die hard love of Link and the Wind Waker story. So much so that Santa brought him his own hat, shield and sword for Christmas. My Aunts also decided to go Zelda themed for Christmas and got Nick and Henry matching shirts. Unfortunately they didn't come in in time for the holidays, but that turned out just fine because my sick boy got the biggest thrill out of his new shirt yesterday. He put it on as soon as possible, and right when Nick walked in from work Henry came in and told him he must get his Zelda shirt on ASAP.

Later Henry went into the bathroom and I guess he saw himself in the mirror because we just hear him yell "I LOVE MY ZELDA SHIRT SO MUCH!!!!"
He then asked to sleep in it, AND to wear it to school tomorrow.
I think we are raising ourselves a second generation Zelda enthusiast.

So glad the guys like their shirts!!
ReplyDeleteYay for Zelda! I never had a games console growing up so the first time I came across Zelda was in 2010 when Tim bought an old SNES off eBay... but the Zelda game wouldn't save :( I kept begging him to get a new Zelda game somehow as it is the only game I have ever had any chance of playing (I am useless with games console controls - I grew up playing games on a PC with a joystick!) Tim got a 3DS for Christmas and I am now happily playing my way through Link Between Worlds. Soooo happy! I love the story and the gentleness of it compared to so many other games. Henry has good taste ;) (not that I ever doubted that!)