
Thursday, March 27, 2014


Ah! I just realized I haven't posted since Monday where I talked about horrible pain, ER visits and doctors not taking me seriously. This I just disappeared...

 I am fine.  Definitely still recovering and not at 100%, but on my way.  I went to class yesterday, which was a pretty big outing.  Class went well, but walking across campus after was rough.  Today I am doing a poster presentation of my capstone* at a research conference.  I am getting a ride to and from, and cut my hours down at the conference so I am only there a half day.  Tomorrow I have my post op appointment, then Monday I am back to work for a half day.

Baby steps, but getting better.

It's funny because as I slowly attempt to get back into the flow of real life I realize exactly how many things I juggle on a daily basis.  Balls, all kept in the air, labeled mama, wife, sister, daughter, friend, work, school, homework, capstone, tball, cooking, cleaning....  it's a lot.  And as I am working on picking all this back up it seems like the ball labeled blogger might take a back seat.  I will be back.  I just have to get my rhythm.    But don't worry about me!  I am on the up and up.

For now, here is a picture of Henry at his first tball practice.

We have a future major leaguer on our hands... I can feel it.  (And hear it, since every time he throws the ball he makes a sound effect like "HI-YAAAA!" )

*Someone mentioned wanting to read my capstone.  You can find it here!
