First up is Blair's bridal shower! We decided to go out to a little shop called Shakespeare and Co. and it was absolutely adorable.
Our sweet bride
Candice (I can already feel that captions are going to be lacking on this post... sorry about that)
Hey, my hair is long again. Looking good, hair. It was nothing personal.
It was really a great shower and now we can't wait for the wedding!
Next up was the UK vs Wisconsin game. Honestly this event had the chance to make or break our night. I mean, having half of the group be die hard fans and the other half really not care at all can lead to trouble, but luckily the fellas played awesome and kept the game exciting!
If you are curious if we forced them to wear blue, the answer is a solid yes.
Sigh. Don't worry, Nick and I bought Chris two new UK blue shirts for his birthday this week...
Matt and Blair
It was a great game and an awesome night. At the end of it Thomas said "That was fun, but I don't know if I could take being an actual fan!" It's intense, Thomas. But it's totally worth it!
The next morning we got up and headed to Brunch (with an impromptu stop at the farmer's market) before heading to Keeneland!
Cute people being cute
Life lesson... if you hang out with me and allow me to take silly pictures I WILL post them on my blog.
After brunch it was time to head to the track...
The cousins! Tall genes run in their family. Kelsey, in the middle, is 5'11". That's right. She says it's the only time in her life she has looked short in a picture.
Down on the track
Also on the track
Chris, making his selections
Earlier in the day Kelsey and Matt had given me some basic photography lessons with my new camera. I am pretty excited to use what I learned!
I learned just enough to know I want to spend more money on new lenses... so it might have been an expensive lesson
But I was pretty pleased with how some of them turned out!
I might be falling in love with the idea of candid shots. Lord help those unsuspecting family members
At the end of the day Boo and Candice were the big winners hitting a trifecta and superfecta on the final race! I thought I was a genius and had us do a superfecta group bet that cost $12 and was nearly a sure thing. Turns out we won $11.97 the bet COST US three cents. Those people who run tracks know more than me about making money...
It was a great weekend and we just adore when our amazing family comes to town! I just counted it up and from when they arrived to when they pulled out of town the South Carolina crew were here for only 44 hours. I think we did pretty good making the most of the time we had together!

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