
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Kentucky Derby (a week early...)

So a month or so ago my best friend Charing decided that she was having a party this Friday night.  Nothing big, just our close girlfriends and their husbands and kids hanging out.  But as it approached, and we realized we were all sorta in a funk, she decided to step it up a notch and declare it a Kentucky Derby party, dresses required for entry!  Her overall way of thinking was that if we came over after work Friday, we might be a little tired and not that into it, BUT if we put on a DRESS and drank bourbon, well... anything was possible.

Turns out she really knows what she's talking about, because when I was at work on Friday and mind was pretty much replaying the thought"ugh... so. tired." over and over.  But when I went home and got ready, I was slowly shaking of the funk of work and exhaustion and getting pretty pumped (that's right, I went with 'pumped') to spend the evening with some of my favorite people.  It helps that when Charing and Scott have six people over, the spread of food and drinks looks like this...
And it also helps that she was mixing up Bourbon Ball martini's...
 Which were enjoyed by all the ladies.  (guys seemed more interested in beer... their loss).
 All in all, it was an awesome night with awesome friends!
 Best hosts ever.
It may be because Nick's body is hiding half of mine, but I believe I look rather thin in this picture...
Candice went all in with the Derby theme, hat and all!
Boo and Chris looking stylish and matching... turns out we clean up pretty nice.
Morgan and her BFF Courtney also joined in the party, and the dress wearing. Way to play along with your mom's crazy ideas!
Oh, and some crazy people also brought their kids...
Because might as well, right?
Good times were had by all.
Thanks for the party, Charing.  And thanks for being awesome!  

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