It's supposed to zip closed. Apparently I am worried about being hungry at work...
Tuesday night Henry was up coughing the entire night. It. Was. Pitiful. I was actually at the pharmacy at 3am begging for something to help my sweet boy rest. The next morning I took him to the doctor, and as suspected he has bronchitus.
Although you would never guess it by how he acts. When I ask how he feels he says 'Um... a little bit good'. God bless his heart. He slept some last night but woke up at 5am with the cough that just wont stop. He is on strong antibiotics and a cough syrup so hopefully he will be better soon.
I guess that's it for now... just still working to get back to normal. Someday soon I will get back to normal posting as well... I really want to stop talking about how sick we all are....someday.

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