
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Let's Try This Again...

So I managed to work all of five hours on Monday, and then took off Tuesday and Wednesday. So... maybe I wasn't quite ready to be back in the swing of things.  It's amazing how good you feel when you are doing nothing and how quickly you feel awful as soon as you try to get back into the normal routine.    But two more days seems to have done the trick (fingers crossed) and I am back to work full time as of today.  You can see by the amount of food I stuffed into my lunch bag that I believe I will be stranded here for a week...

It's supposed to zip closed.  Apparently I am worried about being hungry at work...

Tuesday night Henry was up coughing the entire night.  It. Was. Pitiful.  I was actually at the pharmacy at 3am begging for something to help my sweet boy rest.  The next morning I took him to the doctor, and as suspected he has bronchitus.

Although you would never guess it by how he acts.  When I ask how he feels he says 'Um... a little bit good'.  God bless his heart.  He slept some last night but woke up at 5am with the cough that just wont stop.  He is on strong antibiotics and a cough syrup so hopefully he will be better soon. 

I guess that's it for now... just still working to get back to normal.  Someday soon I will get back to normal posting as well... I really want to stop talking about how sick we all are....someday.


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