
Thursday, May 8, 2014

#GreyForMissy 2014

***Updated Friday Morning (Just Keep Scrolling Down!)***

Thank you to everyone sending pictures in this morning. I am having a hard time keeping up with them all, and that is an awesome problem to have! It is truly moving beyond words. It is 8am here and we already have pictures from three continents. It's just amazing!


As of now I am planning on this being the final update to this post tonight.  If I find more pictures have been tagged in the morning, I will be sure to add them.  If you don't see your picture on here, send me an email and I will add it tomorrow!

Thank you so much for your support of sweet Missy and Brain Cancer Awareness Month.  I can never truly put into words how much this day has meant to our family over the last two years.  Simply saying thank you doesn't seem like enough, but it's what I have, so thank you.

*****Pictures as of 10am******

*****Pictures as of 1pm******


*****Pictures as of 5:30pm******

*****Pictures as of 9pm******

*****Pictures as of Friday Morning******

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