Four years ago I never could have imagined I would be here, asking you to support brain cancer awareness, mourning the loss of my incredible sister. This disease can strike anyone, at any time. One day you can wake up feeling like your life is normal, perfect even, and the next day everything can be turned upside down.
According to the National Cancer Institute and the American Brain Tumor Association:
- An Estimated 14,300 die annually from brain cancer.
- Only 33% of those diagnosed with brain cancer will live five years.
- In the age group of 20-39, brain cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer related death in men and 5th in women.
- It is the 2nd leading cause of cancer related death in children.
Four years ago I thought brain cancer was a silly storyline worked into soap operas. Now I know the truth. This disease is real and it is horrible. It does not discriminate along the lines of age, race or income. It comes like a thief in the night and can steal those most important to you. And I promise you, you will never see it coming.
Please wear grey tomorrow in memory of Missy, and please consider making a donation to research focused on treatments, cures and prevention of this heartbreaking disease.
If you participate and would like to be included in a blog post of photos showing your support, just tag your pictures on any social media site with #GreyForMissy, or email them to me ( and I will include your photo in the post. It will be updated throughout the day, similar to last year.

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