
Friday, June 27, 2014

Home Sweet Home

We are back!  And yet we are still not back to work...

If you are curious, we had already planned to be off for these two weeks, weren't sure how much time would be spent in Kentucky and how much time would be spent out of it.  Turns out, the majority of time was spent out of it!  We had a great time in Florida and South Carolina, but are happy to be home.  I am working on pulling pictures together for my annual vacation photo montage (Do you all even watch it?  Doesn't matter!  I love it!)  but for now I will show you a couple of my favorite pics off my real camera...

It's not at the beach and it 's not even completely in focus, but I love this picture so much...
Can you actually feel the love??
My boy
My other boy
My little family.

Slideshow to come on Monday, for now I am going to enjoy our last few days off together!

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