
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Cici's Frozen 4th Birthday Bash!

So this week we celebrated our sweet Cici's 4th birthday!  Her actual birthday is Monday, but she will be spending it at Disney World, enjoying a meal at Cinderella's Castle... I am actually pretty jealous... but before they left town we had to celebrate HERE too! 
Our sweet and sassy birthday girl!
The AMAZING Frozen cake!  I wish I could take partial credit, but Boo did this one all on her own.
Cici's reaction when she saw all her decorations
Melted Snow bottles
Nanny and Papaw
Nanny's annual tradition... the chocolate sucker thank yous!
The party guests!
One of the games we played was "Do You Want to Build A Snowman?" 
Cutest party game ever!
There was also the annual pinata... a favorite of Cici's who was chanting "PINATA! PINATA! PINATA!
Everyone admiring the cake :)
Opening of all the amazing gifts
Our birthday girl had an amazing time! I can't believe she is FOUR!

Now for more pictures... because I took a lot.  (What??)

Me and Nick! (I look short...weird)
Boo and Chris
admiring her cake
Me and Freddy! How cute is he?
Cici's Grammy and Grandpa
Shawna and Scotty watching the opening of presents
Sweet Freddy smiles
 Her surprise face!
Love this one of me and Boo
First real Legos set!

Cousins being adorable

There are clearly a lot of pictures I like...
I can't stop adding more!
Just go with it
I am just going to stop talking...
You all stopped reading seven pictures back anyway.



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