Here is our sweet bride!
And here is a picture of the food table...
I got sorta obsessed with the decorations in this room...
And took lots of pictures.
But lets not focus on my obsession with our (Courtney's) decorating skills. Let's look at people! Sisters. (of the inlaw variety). It is very rare that I am the shortest person in a picture...
Nicole and Courtney
Our vase of stones where people could write Nicole messages. It turned out SO ADORABLE!
Nicole with two of her sisters and her mom.
Adorable Thank You suckers, made by my mama :) (Thanks mom!)
I love this picture!
Mason jars and bird cages...our random shower theme that actually come together!
Love this captured moment.
Nicole thinking hard about the 20 Questions game we played... it was a huge hit. Best bridal shower game EVER!
Candice and Cici
Courtney and Victoria
Nick was involved in the selection of our gift... if that wasn't obvious. (it was on their registry, so it isn't THAT odd of a shower present)
The entire group. I am getting pretty good at using the timer, right?
I mean, who would want to miss being in this shot?
Sweet Nicole, we love you so. I am so happy we got to celebrate you and Chris this weekend,and we can't wait to do it again in August!

Thank you so much, Sarah (and Candice and Courtney)! It was beautiful, and I felt so loved and supported. <3