When I first started at the University I told anybody who would listen that the very best thing about my work was the fact that it was on the edge of campus with it's own parking lot, so like, no parking hassles, no walking, no problems at all! Now, I am SO EXCITED to move to central campus. Who wants to be ALL THE WAY over there on the edge when you can be right in the middle?? The middle is where it's at, really. The parking garage is super close... no big deal, plus walking is EXERCISE! I totally need that. And the two flights of stairs I have to climb to get to my office, DOUBLE EXERCISE! I will be so fit! BEST JOB PERKS EVER!
I know soon enough this job will be a job. There will come a day that I accept that yes, circling around in a parking garage is not exactly a perk. While I expect to always love my office with a window and a nice view, I am sure there will be a time I go to climb the stairs in my heals (flats...come on) and give an involuntary sigh. But after all the newness wears off I still think the rose colored glasses I am currently wearing when I think of the actual WORK will remain. Looking beyond parking and outfits, what I am most excited about is the actual job. Here's hoping that loving what I do will be the best perk of all.

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