I went out of town... did you notice? I usually post a lot when I am on work trips, what with me being a hermit who enjoys hanging out in her room alone, but turns out my laptop wasn't willing to get on the internet, so no blog posting for me. That doesn't mean I manged to get extra social or anything. I still enjoyed my hermit-ness, just this time by watching endless hours of Orange is the New Black on my Kindle Fire.
I posted this picture along with the caption "What to pack for a three day work trip: Running shoes... so I can at least pretend I have things planned for my down time besides 12 hours of Orange Is the New Black... #ICouldRun ! (#doubtful)" to facebook the morning before I left, and I really was joking, but turns out, I was spot on. At one point I got all the way dressed for the gym, put my shoes on, then decided to reboot my laptop one more time to see if I could get the wifi working. While I waited for the reboot I sat down on the bed... and basically didn't get back up. That was at 6pm.
Anyway, enough about my lazybones. My work trip went great. I can't say enough how happy I am that I both enjoy the work I am doing and the people I am working with. It makes things so nice!
My welcome to the department flowers from our department chair!
In other news, our Ellie girl seems to be having a hard time. It's really very hard on all of us. She isn't eating, and is having a hard time moving around. The Cushing's is in an advanced stage, and she has lost a lot of muscle mass... I don't know. We are very afraid we me lose her, which just feels so unfair now that we have figured out she has something that is treatable. We are able to get her to eat some people food, so I talked with the vet and came up with a plan for Ellie's new fancy people food diet of chicken breast, rice, broth and pumpkin. We are mixing that in with a critical care food they gave her which they said most dogs love. Ellie is not most dogs, so we will see how that goes... I am just praying we are able to right this ship and get her feeling better soon. Where she is now is no way for her to be long term.
Tonight we have Henry's Kindergarten evaluation... HOW IS IT TIME FOR THIS??
So I guess that catches you up on my week. Stressing about Ellie, busy at work, not exercising, getting ready for Kindergarten...
PS. We got a new fridge because the old one broke. Look at how glorious it is...

We so understand about your precious Ellie. Been there, done that. Give her all the people food she wants. Just keep the food going in her. She needs the strength it provides. I cook for my girls, as you know, so the meat, vege, brown rice diet is their staple and it seems to keep them pretty healthy overall. However, old age catches up with all of us, even our darling pups. Love her, hold her, give her anything she wants and we'll pray for you. C & C