So I feel like I am dropping the ball on blogging lately. I try to get on here at least three times a week, and while technically I am meeting that goal, it includes the Micro Blog Monday posts, which feels a little like cheating. BUT, I am still blogging. And that mean something, right?
So you want do see what we did last weekend? Because if I don't show it to you now it's going to drop into the category of "Too Far Gone" and will never be mentioned on here. We can't allow that to happen, so here we go. Be prepared for lots of pictures... it was a busy weekend.
First up, this amazing family came to town and spent the night with us! We had a great time together and it was awesome to spend some extended time with Sweet Freddy!
We headed out Oktoberfest at a local church where fun was had by all
Me and Freddy
Nick and Ryan
Me and Boo
Giant inflatable slides...Oktoberfest was a hit!
On Sunday we had our monthly Queen Bee meeting, which is a day where several girls in my family try to get together and catch up while doing something fun. We used to do this a lot, and it was called SIS day, but that sort of fell away after Missy got sick, and while we wanted to bring back the tradition, it felt wrong to call it the same thing when she was no longer with us. My cousin Liz came up with the name Queen Bee, and it fit perfectly because the name Melissa actually means honey bee. It's like a little piece of her is with us in the name, which makes us all happy.
Love this one
My Aunt Jan, Mom, and Aunt Carole
These two...
We have this picture without Henry in it as well, but I prefer this version :)
Marline, Aunt Carole, and Aunt Cheryl
After lunch Boo and I took the kids to a local craft fair
We didn't buy anything but still had a really great time together!
After that we headed to... where else?
We are down to our last three games... the home stretch!
So that was our weekend! Can you tell we like to keep busy?