
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bring On the Flannel

This past weekend the temperature surprisingly dropped into the extremely fall like range.  Kentucky is weird.  Sometimes it will be 85 degrees in October, causing us to want to wear tank tops and flip flops to the pumpkin patch.  Other times, like this weekend, we are breaking out the flannel a few days after Labor Day. But the change in temperature turned out to be the perfect lead in for the annual Fall Festival held at a Catholic Church down the street.  Henry spent both Friday* and Saturday night there and loved every single second of the inflatable slides and obstacle course, the fifty cent games, and the $2 pizza.  Saturday night we were with him, so I took some pictures. (Of course I did).
Henry and Cici.  They would have been completely content to sleep in the inflatable obstacle course and just never go home.  They LOVED it!
They also loved running into their cousin, Wesley!
Love these three.
It made me laugh how whatever Henry did, Cici immediately followed in the same way.  Head first?  IF YOU SAY SO!
Boo, Chris and Cici
My little family
Love!  We have been to this festival before, but this year the kids were the perfect age.  Plus, the weather was so nice, it was just awesome.

Can you tell I enjoyed myself? Fall Festivals for the win!

*Friday night he went with Cici's Aunt Gayla (also Henry's Aunt Gayla, because of course) and we FINALLY went to see Guardians of the Galaxy!  I was worried it would be over hyped since so many people had said they loved it but NOPE!  It was awesome!  I highly recommend it to those seven people in America who haven't seen it yet!


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