
Monday, September 8, 2014

Missing Our Girl

Thank you so much for all of your kind words about out sweet Ellie.  For thirteen years she was there every single day to greet us as we walked through the door.  Not having her there to welcome us makes our home feel like it is missing a vital piece... which I guess it is.
There have been a lot of tears this weekend. Ellie was our first baby and a cherished member of our family. While she was an older dog, and we knew this time was near, it didn't seem to matter when the actual day came to say goodbye.  Grief is a difficult thing, and we are definitely grieving this huge loss to our family. 
But we feel lucky to have had these thirteen years with her.  She was such a good dog, and we all did everything we could to keep her with us as long as possible.  In the end, we are at peace with it being her time.  It just hurts like hell to let her go.


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