
Monday, October 20, 2014

A Few Pictures for This Week's #MicroblogMondays Post

In this week's edition of Micro Blog Monday I figured I would dump a few pictures I took on my phone this weekend. Enjoy!

Henry got his hair cut.  I don't have before or after pictures (it basically looks the same as always) but I did capture this in the waiting room
The boy knows how to get comfortable. (FYI, while the magazine looks upside down, in fact the back cover was just printed wrong.)
And, without any real connection to the first two pictures in the post, I also took this random picture of the sweet cousins.  When I ask them to smile for a picture, I get this...way to look natural, kiddos

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Kids are funny. They both looked totally shocked in that last photo.
