
Friday, October 17, 2014

Following Up on the Flash Mob of Love

It's a crazy busy sorta day.  I am running to pick up my car from the shop... again.  Third time's a charm, right? 

Seriously.  It has been in the shop three times in three weeks.  Plus Nick's was in the shop once.  It has not been enjoyable.  And deep down we know we both need new cars, but the joy of no car payment is so great, we are just hoping to hold out a little bit longer.  Especially since each fix has cost $100 or less.  I mean, hard to take on two car payments when you can fix your paid off car for a couple hundreds.

That is... if it stays fixed.

Anyway, our cars are annoying.  Moving on.  I wanted to thank everyone who took the time read about my sweet friend Janel and make donations to the flash mob of love.  It was touching to see names I knew show up on the donation list, and see where you shared her page on your own facebook pages.  We raised over $14000 on the single day and are up over $23,000 for the month.  I cannot tell you how much the money is needed and appreciated.  Janel had surgery yesterday and learned she will have a long hard fight ahead of her.  She is up for the challenge, but every little bit of help we can offer is needed. 

So thank you.  Not much of a blog post, but I didn't want to leave you hanging over the weekend with the same post when you desirved to know how much good was done through this event.  If you would like to continue to follow along and support Janel, you can like the facebook page MelaNoMore and keep up with her progress.  Prayers, love and support are always apprecaited.


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