
Monday, October 6, 2014


This past weekend we celebrated our nephew Nieem's birthday (HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY, SWEET BOY!), had family dinner at my parent's farm, and had the very last fall t-ball game (Great season, Green Cats!).  We decorated the house for Halloween, went to church, and watched a little football (Go BBN!  Bad day for the Bengals).  It feels like every weekend is packed so full of events, and that week nights are a mad dash through dinner and homework, bath time and reading books on our way to bed time, just to wake up at 6am and start again.  Sometimes I feel like we get so wrapped up in keeping up with life, making it through each day and every event on our calendar, that I forget to stop and look at how very lucky I am.
I see you, sweet boy.  And I am so grateful for you, every single day of this crazy full life.

Click here to see other #MicroblogMondays posts from this week!


  1. Happy birthday! That does sound like a busy weekend, but a fun one too!

  2. A very sweet post. I love that reminder to step back and take it all in.
