
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Well That's Weird... (FYI:Odd Medical Information Ahead. Read at Own Risk)

It feels like it has been awhile since I did any serious over sharing here on Bio Girl. I thought after my hysterectomy the days of medical over sharing may be behind us.  But turns out, my body is such a mess that even without a uterus I can find ways to give way too much detail about my (lack of) female reproductive parts.  You ready to hear my newest issue?  Read ahead only if you find medical problems interesting.


Seriously... only people who aren't squeamish about girl issues keep reading.

Okay, ready?


This Sunday I randomly started having heavy bleeding like a period.  Which... would not be super odd if I still had a uterus.  BUT I DO NOT. I also do not have any ovaries or a cervix, so... WTF. 

As you may imagine, I was rather bothered by this turn of events.  I was also bothered by the fact that along with the new bleeding came pain/nausea that was very similar to what I dealt with from my endometriosis.  It was a Sunday (my birthday!) so I called the on call doc and she said that she would send me to the ER, but that ER docs are REALLY not able to handle freaks of nature like myself.  She said if I could wait until the next morning it would be much better to be seen at their office.

So... Happy Birthday to me.

Monday morning I went in to see my doc and he said I have something called Tissue Granulation. Once I got home I promptly googled this and, well, you cannot UNSEE things you have seen, so I suggest you NOT do that.  Basically what it is is when scar tissue begins to randomly grow new connective tissue full of blood vessels on top of itself.  This basically makes a large open wound on top of your scar.  And my scar that is doing this is the one that closed off where my cervix used to be.


So, he treated it and says it should begin to heal.  I think he re-cauterized it, which is the SECOND time I have had to have that done.  ( I spared telling you about the first, which was a few weeks after my surgery, but at some point things MUST be talked about on the blog.)  I am now also on estrogen.  For the last eight months I have not been on any hormones, but he said it was time and hopefully would help keep this from happening again.

So... That's happening.  It's still painful and I am not at all happy about it.  I also find it amusing (in a bad) way that I am once again a freak of nature who's body continually tries to regrow body parts.  If you are keeping count, I have randomly grown endometriosis, a second layer of gum tissue (TWICE!  Surgery in December to remove it AGAIN), my tonsils (or new tissue where my tonsils used to be), and now, apparently, a new fake cervix.

I should be kept in a lab.


1 comment:

  1. Oh that sucks :( I was going to say that I know someone else who had a hysterectomy this year and had to go for further surgery because of new bleeding... but then I read about the rest of your tissue growth "powers" (ahem) and realised that it is way more than that... you poor thing, your body needs to give you a break!!

    Thinking of you, as always xx
