
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Another Non-Update on NOLA

So I am flying out this morning and I don't need to head to the airport for an hour or so, so I figured it was the perfect time to do a real New Orleans blog post. I got my laptop out, made my coffee, possibly cracked my knuckles in serious writing preparation, them clicked on Firefox.  Turns out my new hotel (stayed closer to the airport last night) doesn't give free WiFi.  What?? Who doesn't give free WiFi? That's like saying my room doesn't come with free television. Weird.
Anyway, just wanted to let all you who are dying to see the details of my trip (my mom... and maybe Charing) that you must wait one more day.  I will tack on another picture from my phone, just so reading this doesn't feel like a total waste of time... I am considerate like that.
  Here is a picture from our tour of New Orleans when we stopped at one of the oldest  cemeteries in the city.  Did you know that there is no limit to the number of family members that can be in those above ground graves? So some have dozens spanning over 100 years.  And no, they werent cremated... really strange stuff happening in the city of the dead.  Anyway, I will be back tomorrow with lots of pictures and random stories. Stay tuned!

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