
Friday, November 14, 2014

Five (and a half) Year Stats

Sorry I have been rather absent from the blog this week. I leave for a work trip to New Orleans (!!) tomorrow and things have been a little crazy trying to get work and real life in order for my week away.  I would be worried about leaving my boys for that long, but they both seem a-okay with the fact that I will be gone until next Thursday.  I like to believe they are just putting on a brave face, and that they will in fact miss me, at least a little...

Henry finally (FINALLY) had his well child check today.  You know, the one we should have done when he turned five.  This is the second year in a row I have been this late on his well child appointment (PARENTING FAIL!) and the said really it would be best to just keep with this schedule so they are a year apart and he can always get his flu shot when he is in.  I really think they have me figured out and know I will only come in once a year either way. Might as well tell me to stick with what works.

Anyway, our boy is getting bigger, just as he should. He did great with all the questions and tests and I was pretty proud throughout the entire appointment.  Here are his stats, since as always this blog is my only long term record of his childhood.  The percents are adjusted for his actual age of five and a half, just in case you were curious.

Height: 45 inches (65%)
Weight: 37.5 lbs (13%)
BMI: 13.02 (1%)

He also lost another tooth last night.  This boy need to slow down with this growing up thing.  Feels like it is all going awfully quickly.

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