
Monday, December 15, 2014

Thank You

Last night our family went to a beautiful service put on by the group Compassionate Friends.  One by one names of those lost were read out as the families came up to light candles in their loved ones honor.  After the service we all went outside to add our candles to a tree display.  It was heartbreaking and beautiful and I am just so thankful that groups like this exist to help us remember we are not alone in our grief.

The candles so many of you lit last night for #CandlesForMissy are another way for us to feel the love and support of those around us.  Thank you so much for that, and for all of your thoughts, prayers and support for our family. I know it is a busy time and we all have our own burdens and grief, but the love and support you all continue to show us through things like this and the #GreyForMissy posts lift us up when our hearts are heavy with our loss.  So thank you again.



  1. Such a sweet way to honor loved ones

  2. Sending so much love this holiday season, and holding your family in my heart.
