
Wednesday, December 3, 2014


So I realize Thanksgiving is now nearly a week past and we have completely moved into the Christmas seasons (See Monday's Post) but I still want to share my pictures from our family Thanksgivings. And since this is my blog and I can do what I want, I am going to go ahead and do that.  (so there)

Nick was actually really sick over the weekend (and still is) but he was a trooper and made it to both Thanksgiving Day celebrations.  Also, I love this picture...
 And this one...
And this one...
Okay, let's just say I really like them all.
Grandaddy and GrandVal with their three boys
Nanny and Papaw with their grandbabies
Aunt Nicole and Uncle Chris
Aunt Candice and Lucas
Victoria and Michael
with Great Nana
with Great Mamaw
Do we really need captions?  Does anyone even read them?
I can't break the habit of feeling like words must follow each picture...
This boy... he is slowly stealing pieces of my heart. 
And this boy.  Well... he owns it.

That's it!  Hope everyone's Thanksgiving was an enjoyable as ours!

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