
Friday, December 19, 2014

The Official Holiday Season has Begun

So it's rolling.  Within the last week I attended three Christmas celebration events, all of which were extremely enjoyable.  We had my work party, which was one of the better work Christmas parties I have ever attended.  Ignoring the fact that when I walked out (alone. NOT intoxicated) I fell down two stairs and into a bush on the side of the walkway.  I seriously tacked that bush.  Like my hands went down into it and could feel the base of the roots at the bottom.  Thank god it was there or it would have been an epic wipe out.  I keep meaning to ask my coworker who hosted the party if it looked mutilated the next morning, but maybe I should just leave it alone and not mention the epic fall...

Wednesday night we had a Christmas dinner/wrap up meeting for the class I have been working with this semester.  I have come to like this teaching team so much and am even a little excited for next semester.  Although starting in January I will be the head professor of a class of 130-150 students, and that is TERRIFYING.  I am at least happy to know I will be surrounded by great people who want the best for me and will do whatever I need to make this work.

Then yesterday I went to Henry's classroom party, which was great! I mean... it looked great for everyone else.  I unfortunately chose my station to volunteer poorly and spent the entire party trying to peel impossible sticker paper off the back of felt in order to make the most intricate ornaments you have ever seen.  They came out super cute, but next time I am serving food or volunteering for the marshmallow toss...

Today will be Henry and Nick's last day of work/school until January 5th.  I am working the beginning of next week, then will join them on our extended Christmas break filled with lots of family time.  It is going to be amazing.
With my boy at his school party.  Love him so.

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