
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Visiting St. Nick

We changed things up a bit this year in regards to visiting Santa. Instead of going to see him where we usually do, this time we went through a Christmas Light display at our local horse park, then went in to their Winter Wonderland area which was full of lots of stuff including good old St. Nick.  We didn't actually do this until Monday night, and foolishly thought nobody else would be there since it was so close to Christmas.  Why would we think that??  It was a MADHOUSE!  Still, we got to meet good old Santa and I am happy to report that even with the epic crowd he was much more in the spirit that the last few years and the kids were so excited!
Our pictures do have an old school quality to them (It's like they have an Instagram look without the need for filters), and I didn't even know there were still people who wore fake Santa beards, but STILL.  Look at Henry!  It makes me so happy! 
When Cici sat down she had a classic moment of panic when Santa asked what she wanted.  I was standing closest so he looked at me as I heard him say "How about a nice..."  and all I could think was "football!" from A Christmas Story, but right then Cici jumped in and announced she wanted a sock monkey and all was right with the Christmas world.
And of course it was worth an extra $5 donation to get our annual cousin picture.  Love!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday.  I will be back after Christmas with my annual Christmas photo montage of course.  (Because who wouldn't want to watch a four minute video of our family Christmas?!?)



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