
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Best of Bio Girl 2014

So here we are, the end of another year here at Bio Girl and time for another "Best of" posts. If I am being 100% honest, I feel like my blog is not what it used to be.  I am not sure when the change happened, maybe with my new job, maybe before then, but I feel like I rarely sit down and just write to write because I have a good story to tell.  I don't know what that means... has this blog run it's course, or do I simply need to rededicate myself to it?  I am really not sure.  For now, I know I am still happy to have it, and if I were to choose between those two options it would be more of a re-dedication vs. calling it quits.  But who knows, even if stays what it has been this year, I am happy to have it.  Looking back, there are some great memories captured in this year, even if there isn't as much great writing. 

Now, on that sorta depressing note, let's look at what think are the best posts of the year!  Per usual, we will do this bullet style.

  • Starting right off, I think I maybe did do a little bit of decent blogging after all!  This post about my pizza disaster still makes me laugh... 
  • I also like this post from last January talking about Henry's imagination
  • This is a post about how Henry sees his beloved Aunt Mimi in heaven, and it's how I now like to think of her until we are together again. 
  • And here is one about how sometimes home ownership can suck. 
  • March was a really busy month with my capstone defense and my hysterectomy.  There was plenty of blogging done in that time, but only one falling in the "best of category".  It's a short but sweet post about Henry. 
  • And here is one about taking a little extra time with him on the tball field. 
  • Here are a couple of posts about school, the first is about the differences of going to school as an adult, and the other is maybe not a literary masterpiece, but it has me GRADUATING, so it gets considered a "best". 
  • May brought #GreyForMissy , which is always a favorite but emotional time time around here, and will always be considered one of the best annual moments on the blog.
  • We also had Henry's 5th birthday, which... just click to be reminded of the amazingness of that party.  
  • June was packed full of vacations and a wedding, but I had time to write a couple of decent posts.  The first is another tball story and the second is about the rainbow that appeared over my parents house on Missy's birthday. 
  • July brought with it my new job, which is a highlight of the year. 
  • There were times this year where I did find a solid voice, and commonly they were on topics other that sharing our family picture or telling a funny story.  One was on Racial Inequality in America and another was on Robin Williams.  I am proud of both, and think they are worth reading and resharing. 
  • Man, there were lots of posts about Ellie this year, and that in itself hurts my heart.  It was all hard, and I will just share my last post on her, because I think it sums up our love the best. 
  • Through October and November I don't have many posts that stand out on blogging quality, but there are several that stand out as memories from the year, like Father-Daughter weekend, Henry losing his first tooth, my annual birthday weekend madness, Henry as Link for Halloween, our Slumber Party, and my trip to New Orleans... it was a busy couple of months.
  • Here is a short but sweet post about how much Henry loves his cousins.  
  • And a random and disturbing (to me) story about my recent oral surgery
  • December also brought with it the annual #CandlesForMissy post, which I love, and of course our annual Christmas video to wrap up the holidays. 

 And with that we wrap up the Best of Bio Girl 2014!  After reading through a lot of posts, it wasn't as bad of a blogging year as I thought.  All in all, not too bad at all!  Plus there are lots of other posts not included here that could go on a "Best pictures of Bio Girl" post.  I thought about making that post as well, but I think we have enough annual traditions at the end of each year around here.   I will be back tomorrow for the annual reviewing and renewing of my New Year's resolutions, so come back by if you want to see how I did! (Spoiler alert, not well...)


Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas 2014

We had an amazing Christmas!  Every year seems to get a little better with Henry and the holidays.  It's just pure joy.   As usual, I created a photo montage of our holiday pictures since I never seem to be able to put my camera down during this time of year.  Take a look if you enjoy that sort of thing:

If you are interested in watching the old videos (I have no doubt ALL of you will click on these links and watch, right?)here are links to 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013.


Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas!

We have had an amazing Christmas and I hope the same is true for everyone reading. I will put together our annual Christmas video sometime this weekend but I wanted to quickly drop by and just say Merry Chrismtas to everyone and post a couple of pictures since I know ALL of you (grandparents) are really wanting to see our sweet boy!  (and maybe one or two with Nick and I as well...)

Merry Christmas!  Many (MANY) more pictures to come!


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Visiting St. Nick

We changed things up a bit this year in regards to visiting Santa. Instead of going to see him where we usually do, this time we went through a Christmas Light display at our local horse park, then went in to their Winter Wonderland area which was full of lots of stuff including good old St. Nick.  We didn't actually do this until Monday night, and foolishly thought nobody else would be there since it was so close to Christmas.  Why would we think that??  It was a MADHOUSE!  Still, we got to meet good old Santa and I am happy to report that even with the epic crowd he was much more in the spirit that the last few years and the kids were so excited!
Our pictures do have an old school quality to them (It's like they have an Instagram look without the need for filters), and I didn't even know there were still people who wore fake Santa beards, but STILL.  Look at Henry!  It makes me so happy! 
When Cici sat down she had a classic moment of panic when Santa asked what she wanted.  I was standing closest so he looked at me as I heard him say "How about a nice..."  and all I could think was "football!" from A Christmas Story, but right then Cici jumped in and announced she wanted a sock monkey and all was right with the Christmas world.
And of course it was worth an extra $5 donation to get our annual cousin picture.  Love!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday.  I will be back after Christmas with my annual Christmas photo montage of course.  (Because who wouldn't want to watch a four minute video of our family Christmas?!?)



Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas at the Farm (#1)

My Aunts host an annual family Christmas at their house, but this year due to a sudden broken arm (when are broken arms not sudden?) the location moved to my parents.  Anyone who has been reading around here for awhile know that when people dress nice and show up at my parents house then I require them to take pictures in front of the fence. It's like family law.

It is harder than one might think to get three adult women on a fence.

But can you blame me?  How great are all of these?!
Also required, pictures of kids from behind.  Because I have addicted to them.
We eventually made it inside to take pictures with the rest of the family.  Here is Great Nana with three of her great grandchildren! Love this.
Nanny and Papaw with their grandbabies.  We will take something similar to this again on Wednesday but everyone will be in PJs because that's how we roll.
 My Aunts put on a good party, no matter where it's located :)
 Nana with three of her four kids
 Mark and April joined us a little too late to be in on the fence pictures but still so happy to get to see them
 Jan and Tom
Mom and Wesley with his new pillow pal Lambeau
 And finally one of my favorite pictures ever.  We have a picture of our parents on this couch from maybe 30 years ago.  SO lucky to have so much love in the room.

You were going to be seeing Santa pictures today, but I forgot to scan them.  Stay tuned, hopefully they will be posted tomorrow. (Just in the Nick of time!)


Friday, December 19, 2014

The Official Holiday Season has Begun

So it's rolling.  Within the last week I attended three Christmas celebration events, all of which were extremely enjoyable.  We had my work party, which was one of the better work Christmas parties I have ever attended.  Ignoring the fact that when I walked out (alone. NOT intoxicated) I fell down two stairs and into a bush on the side of the walkway.  I seriously tacked that bush.  Like my hands went down into it and could feel the base of the roots at the bottom.  Thank god it was there or it would have been an epic wipe out.  I keep meaning to ask my coworker who hosted the party if it looked mutilated the next morning, but maybe I should just leave it alone and not mention the epic fall...

Wednesday night we had a Christmas dinner/wrap up meeting for the class I have been working with this semester.  I have come to like this teaching team so much and am even a little excited for next semester.  Although starting in January I will be the head professor of a class of 130-150 students, and that is TERRIFYING.  I am at least happy to know I will be surrounded by great people who want the best for me and will do whatever I need to make this work.

Then yesterday I went to Henry's classroom party, which was great! I mean... it looked great for everyone else.  I unfortunately chose my station to volunteer poorly and spent the entire party trying to peel impossible sticker paper off the back of felt in order to make the most intricate ornaments you have ever seen.  They came out super cute, but next time I am serving food or volunteering for the marshmallow toss...

Today will be Henry and Nick's last day of work/school until January 5th.  I am working the beginning of next week, then will join them on our extended Christmas break filled with lots of family time.  It is going to be amazing.
With my boy at his school party.  Love him so.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Thank You

Last night our family went to a beautiful service put on by the group Compassionate Friends.  One by one names of those lost were read out as the families came up to light candles in their loved ones honor.  After the service we all went outside to add our candles to a tree display.  It was heartbreaking and beautiful and I am just so thankful that groups like this exist to help us remember we are not alone in our grief.

The candles so many of you lit last night for #CandlesForMissy are another way for us to feel the love and support of those around us.  Thank you so much for that, and for all of your thoughts, prayers and support for our family. I know it is a busy time and we all have our own burdens and grief, but the love and support you all continue to show us through things like this and the #GreyForMissy posts lift us up when our hearts are heavy with our loss.  So thank you again.


Sunday, December 14, 2014


Pictures have started coming in for #CandlesForMissy, and since right at 7pm I will be at the candle lighting service I thought I would go ahead and begin the blog post of photos from around the world. Please share your photos and tag them with #CandlesForMissy , or send them to me directly at biogirl79(at)gmail(dot)com and I will add them to the  post once I get home.  And if 7pm doesn't really work for you, that's okay.  Any picture, anytime.  We feel the love. As for me, my candle has been burning all day long. 

As always, I cannot say thank you enough for the love and support you all give me and my entire family.  It means more than words can say.
