I have began to notice that Henry doesn't remember his Aunt Mimi like he used to. He does remember her still, but not clearly, not like before. The telling and retelling of stories keep her real to him, but I see that she is becoming something so far into his past that he cannot quite hold onto the real her versus the stories of her. And that absolutely shatters my heart.
Days and weeks and months have passed. And now years. Years is plural too. Two years since I last kissed her face and told her how very special she is to me. Two years since she held the babies. Two years since our family was complete. Two years of moving forward in time, of living our lives without her here. And it is okay, we are okay, but damn it, it hurts like hell. Some days more than others, and today is a really really hard day.
I miss you every single day. There is less light in my life without you here. There is less light in all of our lives. You are beloved and you are so very missed.

oh Sarah, I can't believe it's already two years!