I'll Give you the Sun by Jandy Nelson- Holy geez I loved this book. This is told from alternating perspectives of boy/girl twins. The chapters by Noah are when he is 13/14 years old and the ones by Jude are when she is 16 years old. So, while the chapters go every other between the two characters, the story jumps back and forth three years in time. I know the age of the characters seem young, but this book is beyond amazing.
I'll Meet you There by Heather Demetrios- This one is about a girl trying to escape her tiny, poverty stricken town and a boy returning home to that same town after getting injured as a Marine. It's really good, not amazing, not the best book I have ever read, but definitely worth the read.
If I Stay and Where She Went by Gayle Forman- So this was a two book series, and it is one of those rare events where I much preferred the second book. The first is the story of Mia as she decides to stay in the life or move on after a devastating accident that kills her family. It's unusual and sad and somehow still a good book. The second, Where She Went, takes place three years later and is narrated by her boyfriend from book one. I liked it more, although maybe it's because book one was just a little too sad for me.
Somewhere in France by Jennifer Robson- This book was almost so good! At first I loved it, thinking I had found this great historical fiction/ Downton Abby book about a Duke's daughter who breaks away from her wealthy family to live on her own and support the World War I effort by learning to drive then becoming an ambulance driver for the war. It started out strong, but then I was pretty far in the book when I discovered it was a romance. And, not that I have a problem with that, I mean the Outlander series is one of my favorite series of all times, but I DO have a problem with it when screens are written that seem completely out of character and odd just to get THAT SCENE worked in. It was disappointing honestly.
The Madman's Daughter by Megan Shepherd- Meh, this was sorta okay, but not okay enough for me to read the other two books in the series. On the one hand, it was a take off on The Island of Dr. Moreau, and that aspect of it was interesting. But it was a little too young adult-ish for me to really get into. And that's saying something since I typically love me some YA lit.

I can't manage to read a book a year and your read four in like a week!!! Your a champ!