He's been asleep for fifteen hours...
I am still hoping we can make the Valentine's party at 1pm, which might be ridiculous, but A MAMA CAN DREAM. We were at the doctor yesterday and they said it was just a virus. No fever, no throwing up, just an extremely sore throat and congestion. Technically he is still within the bounds of going to school since no vomiting and no fever, but he was not feeling up to it this morning. And it wouldn't be such a big deal, except ALL THIS EFFORT...
This was yesterday morning, back when he was feeling perfectly fine. They were allowed to make their valentines boxes at home and bring them in to school for the party. The note said be creative, so Henry and Nick got creative...
We also got these Minecraft Valentines and he wrote his name on 30 of them...
Then he taped chocolate coins to the back...
And he was just so proud! And excited! And... so NOT wanting to miss the entire day sick in bed. Here's hoping any minute now he wakes up and fifteen hours of sleep was all he needed to be totally back to normal.
I mean, it could happen... right?

You know I feel your pain, hon. I hope he does make it to his party! So much effort and creativity at the very least deserves some type of reward. :-)