
Friday, March 27, 2015

DC in Pictures

I don't have a lot of time to write a thoughtful post on my trip to DC, but I wanted to get these pictures up as I am heading toward my own one week blogging deadline about life events.  I will say that while I do not travel for work often, I am constantly surprised by how rewarding the experience is when I do.  I have traveled for work before this job, and it was always fine.  Part of the job.  Now, falling in line with my post from Wednesday, I find that I get so much out of my work travel now.  The conferences I attend are absolutely packed with valuable information for our area of research, and as I sit in these meetings I am overcome with how much I enjoy this work.  Also, it's pretty cool with the Vice President of the United States is the Keynote speaker, because then your mom can tell people you had lunch with the VP, even if she conveniently forgets to include there were like, 1100 other people there.  Moms.

So, the first day I was in DC was sorta random in the fact that the cheapest flight got me in around 10am, but I didn't have to be at the conference until 7am the next morning.  My boss/traveling companion Corrine was in a workshop so I was on my own for the day.  I headed out into the city solo, which was surprisingly enjoyable.
My first stop was the White House.  Where I assumed I was as close as I would ever be to the President of the United States.
Then, as I was walking past the White House gate an office told me I had to step back, and I was like "WHY??"  and then someone else randomly on the sidewalk was like "Look!  The President!!"  So, I took a picture.  Hello President Obama.
My solo sightseeing tour then lead me to the Holocaust Museum, which was moving beyond words.  Truly.  Beyond any words that I can find.  I will say that while it was heartbreaking it was absolutely worth going through as a way to honor and understand the horrors of our past.  Here are some of the pictures.

After that I was sorta emotionally drained and figured I would head back to my hotel, but as I was walking I ran into the National Art Museum.  One of the coolest things about DC is all the Smithsonian Museums are free, so I figured I would wander in for a little while.
I took this one picture, only to be told by security I couldn't take pictures.  WHAT?  And THEN I saw like a million other people taking pictures and I was annoyed.  But whatever.  I enjoyed it, even if I can't provide photographic evidence of the pictures I enjoyed.

After that I really did head back to my hotel, and then most of the rest of the trip was dedicated to work related activities, which while awesome, aren't really relevant to this post.  BUT, on Friday night Corrine and I headed out on the Monuments by Moonlight tour and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!  If you are ever in DC, go on this tour.  Here are a few pictures which do not in any way do the tour justice.

 Here are Corrine and I outside of the Roosevelt Monument overlooking the Washington Monument.


World War Two


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