I mean, not in this picture because it was taken maybe two weeks ago, but you know, use what ya got.
Speaking of tball, it's kinda funny how perspectives change over time. This is our third team and the last two seasons, while we have loved it, the schedule has felt mildly overwhelming. I just assumed that's how having a child in sports was... but this season there has been so much more of a relaxed feel on my part. I tried to figure out why it was stressful before and now it was just something we were doing, and I remembered that during our first season I had major surgery about three days before the first practice, plus was trying to graduate while working full time. So... a stressful time. Then the second season basically lined up with the start of my new job and Henry's start of kindergarten. So... a stressful time. Turns out this season we have no additional stressful things going on and it makes it SO NICE! The fact that we have been snowed in for the last several months and the sun is now out helps. Also, Henry's best friend Luke is on the team, which always makes things better!
That was a lot of talking about tball right there... and the games haven't even started. Also, possibly I should wait to decide this season is not stressful until games begin... something to consider.
Anyway, spring is here! We are enjoying it. Lots. I am feeling the pull to get out of our winter hibernation, which I vaguely recall happens every year at this time. We are watching a lot of spring basketball which is AMAZING. We are playing outside, my fitbit informs me I am moving more... all is well.
Spring, welcome back.

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