
Monday, May 11, 2015

Birthday Madness

So it's birthday week.  And by even saying that sentence I realize that some people will point out that a birthday is a DAY not a WEEK.  But in the case of Henry and our birthday madness we are just going to claim the entire week and move on.  At this point everyone around here knows how we are. Actually, in a lot of ways this party is smaller than parties past, but that is more because the subject matter is small.  We are having a Lego party, and Nick is working on games that use actual Legos. It's a challenge, but a fun one, since we are insane and absolutely adore doing things like this.  I am making signs, because what is a party without signs? (A normal one, I hear you all whispering)

In addition to the party prep we are trying our hardest to finish up the house remodel.  I have no idea what we were thinking when we tore down that wall, but I am starting to think we could have selected a better time.  Like, AFTER the birthday week.  We are also trying to get the yard ready, since we are having around 40 people over on Saturday, and I am anxiously watching the weather channel because RAAAAAAAIN.  Henry's Nana gets into town tomorrow, his actual birthday is Wednesday, Matt and Blair come in Friday, and we have the party Saturday night.  Add in tball, school, work, and like, sleep (who needs sleep?!), and you have one heck of a week.  I would say you won't see me around this blog until it's all over, but that would be a lie.  IT IS BIRTHDAY WEEK!  The annual birthday slideshow will go up on Wednesday, plus sometime this week I will post the annual birthday letter and his birthday interview.

Typing all that out makes me just a little embarrassed... but WE ARE WHO WE ARE.

Let the birthday week begin!

PS.  Mother's day?  what Mother's Day?  We postponed until after the BIRTHDAY MADNESS.  I did get a sweet homemade card from my boy and he wished me Happy Mother's Day about a dozen times.  Come to think of it, no need to reschedule.  It was a pretty great day.

PSS. Henry lost his front teeth!
PSSS. I went to DC for about 36 hours for a work conference and was on the flight home as my best friend who lives in DC.  HOW ABOUT THAT?!

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