
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Back to Blogging

I just realized it is the middle of July and I have posted three times this month. I mean, we were out of town for a chunk of it, but still... that's a pretty rough blogging rate.  More than that, I haven't done much actual writing on here in the last few months.  I have mostly gone with picture posts, with a story or two worked in when something really special (The LAST AT BAT!) happens, but for the most part the writing has fallen way.  So now I sit here, wanting to write SOMETHING but I don't have any pictures to support a story.  More than that, I don't have a story.  Nothing funny or entertaining, just good old normal life.  But in years past I found stories within the everyday life. That's what I sort of love about going back and reading old posts.  So I decided to have a little experiment where I open up blogger and just keep writing and see what comes out. So here we go.


It has not stopped raining here all summer.  I mean, epic thunderous down pours multiple times a week.

That seems sorta boring.  I mean, it isn't boring to live it, but I don't know that the local weather needs to be it's own blog post.  Let's try again. 

 We are heading to South Carolina again this weekend.  This time we are packing up Mawmaw's house, which is sort of it's own type of heart breaking.  A few weeks ago we were cleaning out some papers we had stacked up and I handed Nick the program from her funeral service.  He looked at it for a second and said, "sometimes it's like I forget she died".  It was weird because I thought the exact same thing before handing it to him.  I looked at her picture and thought "Damn... it's easier to just not remember." To assume she is still tooling around in her garden or playing solitaire at the kitchen table while drinking some sweet tea.  It might feel a lot more real when we head back there and pack up all her things.  Or maybe once we get home we can slide back into not thinking of her as gone, just not here.


I checked the roaster for the class I am teaching in the fall and I have 100 people registered with three on the waiting list. I was pleasantly surprised to see it had been capped at 100. I don't think there will be a big difference in regards to standing in front of the group (what's 50 more at that point) but the email volume should improve.  I am excited to teach again, although I may feel differently once it gets added back to my plate.  Just doing my regular job has been a pleasant change of pace.


I miss Disney World.  Is that normal? 

I can't get used to my new hair.  I like it, then I don't like it. I straightened it the other day and I can say I definitely prefer it curly.  Nick prefers it straight, because that's how life works.  What I know for sure is I will not be cutting it again until I can get it into a hair tie.  I must have a way to contain the madness.

Henry lost another tooth. I actually sent Blair a message asking if it was normal since she is a dental hygienist.  She assured me it is, which, you know, is good. I mean, not that I was worried all his teeth were going to fall out and nothing new was going to come in. YOU were worried about that.  YOU really over react sometimes.


*Reviews what I just wrote.  Shakes head. Shrugs shoulders. Hits Publish*

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I personally love it! This is blogging at its best :) I love getting little insights into your life. Good luck with packing up Mawmaw's house xx
