I know, with the faces, right? But I took four pictures and this was BY FAR the best. Also, I am getting Henry's bangs cut today.
Anyway, not a lot to say about practice really. It went well. I took pictures. Like this one:
Just look at him! Gah. Love.
And this one....
And the (always required) break down cheer. In fall ball the teams don't get names so they always let the kids pick. Last year we were the cats but somehow this season we are the Cardinals. I think Henry's hat might of had something to do with it...
When we were leaving the park we did run into some of the old Cardinals crew, which was great. They had two snakes with them, which was... less great according to me. EXTREMELY AWESOME according to Henry. As we walked away Henry said "You know... I think I might want a pet snake. That or a wolf"
Wolf is far more likely, kiddo.

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