
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Winding Down

And just like that, Henry's first summer is nearly done. Tonight we have his back to school bash and class officially starts back next Wednesday.

We got his teacher assignment last week and he got the teacher he wanted. So did Luke, so, you know, all is right with the world. 

We bought all of his school supplies including an awesome new backpack. 

We have nearly finished he summer calendar of assignments that included things like go swimming and build a tower out of marsh mellows and toothpicks. 

We have read lots of books and practiced math*. 

But mostly we have relaxed. 

He has managed to completely flip his schedule, staying up late and sleeping in until  around 11am every morning. 

He has had several pajama days, one of which he filled with an embarrassing number of episodes of Pokemon. 

We went on a three week vacation, met Mickey, learned to swim, spent tons of time with friends and family .... all in all it's been a pretty perfect summer.

And while he is completely content with heading back to school and his friends, I am a little sad that it's already over. 

I never knew that I would love summer break as a parents just as much if not more than I loved it as a kid.  These days sure are precious.

 *Working in his math workbook. You now, for fun.  Because he is mine and Nick's child.

1 comment:

  1. I always forget your summer holidays are different to ours - the kids here only broke up a couple of weeks ago and don't go back until the first week in September! It sounds like you had an awesome holiday :)
