
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A Cousins Cabin Weekend Surprise!

So remember last year when we went on the first annual Cousins Cabin Weekend?  It was amazing, and we had immediate plans to do the EXACT SAME THING (but with less traffic) this year.  Then life stuff came up and our plans got postponed, then sorta canceled with a "we will get that on the calendar soon..."

It was sorta starting to look like our "annual" Cousins Cabin Weekend might miss year two entirely, when Blair stepped in and said "You know... Matt's turning 30 and you know what would be a REALLY fun??"


So all the cousins who could make it (We missed you Caleb, Chris, Nicole, Nieem, and Catee!) met up over the holiday weekend for Matt's Surprise Birthday/2nd annual Cousins Cabin Weekend(CCW) event.  It was awesome. Seriously, we love this group of people so stinkin much...
At the top of the birthday boy's list of things to do was to ride Go Karts.

Lots and lots of Go Karts.
As in, four tracks in a matter of maybe two hours. But how do you know which track is the BEST track if you don't attempt to ride them all??
There was only one crash in all of that Go Karting, and it happened when I was driving... with Henry.  We came around a turn and he was like "GO AS FAST AS YOU CAN MAMA!"  I did... it did not end well.  But all was fine and beyond a sudden stop and NEAR MISS on Thomas T-boning us (THANK GOD THAT DID NOT HAPPEN) all was fine.  I just had to hang my head in shame a little because... you know THE CHILD WAS IN MY KART.
Also on Matt's list of things to try was the escape game Trapped.  If you don't know what this is, it's where they lock you in a room and you have one hour to escape.  we have a different version in our home town and I had been wanting to try it, so I was excited!  This is our before picture.  Guys, we were so confident. SO SO CONFIDENT. We are a group of very smart people! How hard can it be??  Oh man.  HARD. IT CAN BE REALLY HARD.
So yeah. We failed. We look so sad in our after picture...  BUT we loved it!  And want to try again, maybe on the THIRD annual CCW!  Now that we know what it's like, we are back to CONFIDENT that we can figure this shit out...
Our only complaint about CCW #1 was that we didn't spend enough time at the cabin just being together.  We worked hard to fix that this time, so beyond Go Karts and Trapped we pretty much spent the rest of the time at the cabin playing games (EXPLODING KITTENS IS AWESOME!), eating good food, drinking good drinks, laughing, and just enjoying being together
It was exactly as perfect as we thought it would be

Saturday evening I was like "We need to take pictures!  I LOVE our pictures from last year!" So four of us got out our cameras and started attempting to capture CCW which funnily enough resulted in us taking lots of pictures of each other taking pictures

And also, at least few good shots of these awesome people.

 Man, I loved everything about this weekend.  I think we are all solidly in the camp of being sure CCW3 happens next year.  Our only complaint as we walked out the door was that man, it still didn't feel like we had long enough together. I am not sure that's a problem we can fix with a single weekend.  So, until next time, we are just left wanting to do it again. Soon!

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