
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween Costumes of Year's Past...

I can't help myself.

2014: Link and a Witch

2013: Caterpillar and Minny (MY FAVORITE!)

 2012: Batman and Robin
2011: One Owl Two Owl

2010 (1) The big bad wolf

 2010 (2) Shrek

2010 (3) The pumpkins

2009: The Captain

Happy Halloween!  I will plan to get some pictures up either tomorrow or Monday from this year's trick or treat. It's going to be amazing! 


Friday, October 30, 2015

Pumpkin Painting: The Pigeon Edition

So Henry's school has a pumpkin painting contest where you turn your pumpkin into your favorite book character. 
 After thinking long and hard about his books, Henry went with the pigeon....
because the pigeon is hilarious

Ever since he started the project I will randomly hear Henry say "I'M A PUPPY LOVING PIGEON!" and every time I laugh. Because the pigeon never gets old.
Here is his final product.  We are super proud of his pigeon! I hear there is some stiff competition in the kindergarten/1st grade category, but in my opinion you can't beat this puppy lovin' pigeon.

Happy Halloween Eve! What?? It's a thing!  We are baking cookies and having pizza while watching Halloween movies at Boo's and it will be the best Halloween Eve Ever!


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Making His List...

 So it may look like this outside....

but the big book of toys came in the mail yesterday. Does it always come in October? People wonder why it starts to feel like Christmas earlier and earlier and I can tell you, THIS is part of the reason

He circled everything he wanted, then went back and put starts, smiley faces, and puppies next to his must haves.  I know it isn't quite Halloween, but I am getting a little excited about's going to be a fun couple of months around here with this sweet six year old!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Happy Birthday to Me!

So it's my birthday.  Not that I have a lot to say in regards to it being my birthday, but it IS true, so you know... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! 

In lieu of any birthday related thoughts ( I am older yet feel the same...the end), I am going to post a few of the family pictures we took last weekend.  We had a family gathering at the farm which will hopefully someday get it's entire own post, but since it's THE DAY OF ME, I am just going to show the ones of my little family. Because I love them.
How sweet is this? We all look so happy! I mean, we are happy, but we LOOK happy, which is nice.
And THIS. I can't even with the love of this picture.  Gah.

Okay, those are my two favorites of the three of us, but these are also enjoyable.

And technically I am venturing past the pictures of just us with these last two BUT IT IS MY BIRTHDAY (and my blog) so I will do what I want...
It is impossible not to love these pictures. I am pretty sure that's a fact and it isn't just because I love the kids in them.
Anyway, happy birthday to me.

(I would apologize for the randomness and the general poor quality of the writing in this post but... BIRTHDAY. )


Friday, October 23, 2015

Pumpkin Patch Picture Dump

Ah, man, this week. This entire month actually.  I have so many great pictures to share here, but I do not seem to even have the time to hit upload!

Actually, that's not really true. The Uploading is easy. It's the fact that I feel obligated to write comments along with the pictures.  I HAVE NO TIME FOR COMMENTS!  So... Here is a pumpkin patch picture dump.  Last weekend we went to the pumpkin patch. It was wonderful in all its magical pumpkin patch ways.

No really, it was great.  We have several local pumpkin patches and I thought if you have seen one you have seen them all.  WRONG.  So very wrong!  This one was amazing! It had all the normal stuff like hay rides, a corn maze, and a giant slide, but it ALSO had a zip line area, carnival type games, TWO haunted houses, a track to ride these tricycle things... It was just amazing.

Look at all these words. I really need to get to work.  HERE. LOOK AT THE PICTURES OF ALL THE FUN!

So many pictures!

Also, THE END.
