Sweet Nicole, we love you Chris, and Nieem so much. We are so happy we got to celebrate this sweet baby with you and we cannot WAIT for her to arrive!
Also, STARS!
And family! Nana came all the way in from Florida to help us celebrate
And back to the decorations, this jar of wishes. Everyone wrote wishes for the baby and stars and filled the jar. It was really sweet.
And here are two shower hosts who made Baby Jeopardy! Who doesn't love BABY JEOPARDY??
I mean, seriously. Best shower game ever.
Oh, and in order to buzz in they had to hold up these "Oh Baby" signs and yell "OH BABY!"
It was sorta ridiculous
And awesomely fun. Looking for a good shower game? Baby Jeopardy.
Oh look, a diaper cake made by GrandVal! (I know, this post has no flow. Just go with it)
Hmmm... what else? We also played the string around the belly game...
I am seriously about measurement
Which is good because, LOOK how close 1st and 2nd place is. I got 2nd... maybe I shouldn't have been QUITE so accurate
After food and games we of course had cake, which was lovely (and delicious)
And then it was time for presents! Henry got his newest cousin this amazing caterpillar stuff because, well, every baby needs some caterpillar stuff. (OBVIOUSLY) The hat... I can't even.
They are doing the nursery is vintage stuff and so Nicole's mom brought this mobile that was hers when she was a baby. HOW AMAZING IS THIS??
Also, girl clothes are so sweet...
Crafty GrandVal is crafting again... this time making adorable bibs. I told her she should open an etsy shop.
Aaaaand so are these two
So the newest member of the family was celebrated and it was great! Now we just have to wait a few more weeks to see her sweet face!
There are (of course) more pictures! But I am out of words. Still, I am sure you all want to see them, right?

It was a wonderful celebration! Thank you, Sarah and Candice!! <3