
Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving Wrap Up

So Thanksgiving happened, and it was lovely.  I mean, besides the stomach bug I came down with directly following the holiday festivities. That was decidedly NOT LOVELY. But everything else was good.   We celebrated with my family on Wednesday at the farm then went to Grandaddy and GrandVal's house.  Somehow I only took like three pictures there. I have NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED.  I did at least catpured this picture of Grandaddy and GrandVal with their two new Grandbabies, born three days apart.
Meet Cosma and Emmett... we are all in love.

I also took this picture of the newest big brother, Ethan. Sweet child, I love you.

And final picture of the day... Aunt Candice and Lucas with baby Cosma.  That's it folks! None of my own child... or husband... or self. I will do better at Christmas :)

Now, at the farm I managed to take some pictures! 
I will never get tired of making my family take pictures with fences in the background. NEVER!
I mean, seriously.

I don't really have captions for all these pictures
I am just going to stop trying and dump the rest of the pictures below this line... enjoy.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving surrounded by people they love. I know how blessed we are that we get that opportunity every year. 

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