I mean, OF COURSE WE DID. Everyone did, right? And it was everything I hoped it would be. I loved this movie so freaking much. No spoilers or anything, but I know some people had issues with it. I am not one of those people. LOOOOOOVE.
Then on Saturday morning Nick and I hosted a family brunch so the kids could exchange presents and we could spend some time together.
We usually have a couple of family holiday events leading up to Christmas but with my aunt being ill those were canceled. I am so happy we decided to still get our three families together! We had so much fun.
Liz, Wes, and Cory
Me, Nick and Henry
And Boo Chris and Darcy
We exchanged presents, ate way too much food, and played a surprising amount of video games. It was perfect
THEN, on Sunday Nick, Henry and I packed up and heading on an overnight Christmas adventure. Randomly a week ago Nick sent me a link to a hotel that has a big Christmas event and said something along the lines of "???". I wrote back something else along the lines of "?!?!" and a plan was made!
The main attraction of the hotel Christmas event was this Kaleidoscope event where they take silk and lights and turn in into these huge Christmas decorations... sorta like these
But the scale is sorta hard to see with this picture, so maybe you are thinking small. No, think big.
We loved it all! Although somehow I think I overestimated how big the event would be. I thought it would like, take hours and hours.. possibly days. But turns out we were done after like an hour and a half. Still, it was a great hour and a half!
There were lots of random things for the kids to do, like build a snowman...
And ride a train
And talk to this tree...
And check out a ton of gingerbread houses including this huge one...
Plus we got to see this in the front lobby of the hotel, which was enjoyable.
But after that all wrapped up there was a lot of this going on. Which, I am not going to lie, was possibly more enjoyable for Henry that the giant silk Christmas decorations.
The next morning we got up and walked down to the Science museum, which was awesome.
I mean, who doesn't want to play in a space shuttle
or climb in this thing..
Or.. do this...
and this too...
Anyway, it was a great weekend. Crazy busy, but awesome. Now, it's time for Christmas!

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