Welcome back to
another year in review at good old Bio Girl! I could go on for a bit about how my blogging has changed over the last couple of years and how it's... well... not as good, but really, we all know I don't blog as often as I once did. Like everything else in life, this blog has evolved over the nine years I have been writing here, and honestly, I am just happy I still find the time at all. I do not manage to capture as much of our daily lives, but I do think I manage to at least partially capture the love we have for each other and this crazy life. (GOOD JOB, ME! Just keep blogging!) Anyway, here is this year's bullet-ed list of what I consider the tops posts of 2015!
- We will start the year off right with this post talking about how Boo broke into my office building to help me paint... it resulted in one of my favorite pictures of her of all time :)
- Maybe not my best writing, but in the timeline of life this post about my first day of teaching feels like a Best Of sorta moment.
- And then a post from early February where I talk about missing Missy as we approached the two year anniversary of losing her. I can't believe we are now so close to three years. The heartache never goes away.
- A sweet post about my sweet boy. Lord, I love him so.
- And then it snowed.... a lot.
- In March I wrote a post which talked a little more about my job and my passion for public health. It's different, but I like it, and if I can find the time, I will write more like this one in 2016.
- Then, later in March I went to DC, and it was awesome.
- Next up, mainly a picture post, but it's EASTER, so must be documented. Plus, there is the good old fence.
- Ah, these posts bring back good memories... here is a Cardinals tee-ball post, where Henry got the game ball. LOVE.
- And then the Birthday madness began. We are big on traditions around here, so here is the annual birthday letter, and of course the birthday slideshow... plus, the always important BIRTHDAY PARTY.
- And then a post showing how much my sweet boy has grown from the start of kindergarten to the end. MY HEART.
- And maybe my favorite post of all year, Henry's last at Bat in tball.
- The most epic vacation of all time. Part one, two, three, and four.
- And then, just because, my post on my thoughts on Disney, because Disney now owns a piece of my heart.
- A couple of posts about my run in with a bee.
- Oh, another top post. When we found the Snaaaaake.
- And another trip out of town, this time to the mountains for the second annual Cousin Cabin weekend.
- There was Halloween, which I am mainly including because I adore Henry's costume...
- Then I went to Chicago... this year had a lot of travel.
- Then, in November or Niece was born!
- Also in November I read (and became completely obsessed with) Carry On.
- And I wrote a post about our need to be aware that we are living in the middle of history, and as a nation we should be mindful of our choices.
- Then I went to Seattle... seriously, with all the travel
- This is one of my favorite moments of the year, my sweet boy getting into the Christmas Spirit of giving.
- And Nick, Henry and I did a weekend in Louisville
- And the, you know, CHRISTMAS.
So there you have it! The best of Bio Girl, 2015. Shockingly, we are heading out of town today to bring in the new year on a little mini vacation. Somehow we have become people who go places.... and we like it!
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