
Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Best of Bio Girl 2015

Welcome back to another year in review at good old Bio Girl! I could go on for a bit about how my blogging has changed over the last couple of years and how it's... well... not as good, but really, we all know I don't blog as often as I once did. Like everything else in life, this blog has evolved over the nine years I have been writing here, and honestly, I am just happy I still find the time at all.  I do not manage to capture as much of our daily lives, but I do think I manage to at least partially capture the love we have for each other and this crazy life. (GOOD JOB, ME! Just keep blogging!) Anyway, here is this year's bullet-ed list of what I consider the tops posts of 2015!

So there you have it! The best of Bio Girl, 2015. Shockingly, we are heading out of town today to bring in the new year on a little mini vacation.  Somehow we have become people who go places.... and we like it!

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