The event is this Sunday, December 13th, at 7pm worldwide. Wherever you are at that time, please consider lighting a candle and taking a moment to think of those lost and to offer support to those struggling through this time of year. If you take a picture of your candle and either send it to me or tag it on social media with #CandlesForMissy I will share them here on the blog that evening. If you post it on social media, please also tag me in the photo if possible.
The holidays are always a difficult time when it comes to grief. You want to be fully invested in the joy and celebration of the time, and yet there is this underlying feeling of loss, of grief, and sometimes of guilt when you allow yourself to fully enjoy the season. This event helps our family feel a little more connected to Missy during this time. I know it helps many others around the globe to do the same.
Thank you all for your continued love and support of our family as continue living while always missing our sweet Melissa.

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