
Monday, January 11, 2016

Cousin Weekend: The Beginning of the Bourbon Trail

I am constantly shocked with the date. I mean, January 11th, REALLY?

Anyway, we had another busy (awesome) weekend around here, so rather than actually put some thought into a meaningful blog post (like about the Bengals and my depressed state over the disaster that was that playoff game) I will just share some pictures!
Turns out this is the only picture I got of the entire group, and Nicole isn't in it since she stayed home with sweet baby Cosma, but still.  Look!  We like bourbon! Also, not the best picture of Henry... sorry kiddo.
Maybe that statement needs some context (or does it?). Kentucky is famous for it's bourbon.  And at some point people around here realized that people like bourbon, and they like bourbon tastings, so they set up the bourbon trail.  Every stop on the bourbon trail will get a stamp in your bourbon trail passport. It's genius really.  So we decided we will start making a stop along the trail every time they SC family come to town.  This trip was our first official stop at the Bulleit distillery.

The group learning about prohibition and bourbon. Did you know you could get a prescription for alcohol during prohibition? And apparently Kentucky had 6 million written prescriptions among a population of 2.6 million. So... yeah.

The tour was awesome, and at the end you do a tasting, so win win. We are excited to hit the other stops on the tour. (Some pictures stolen from cousin's social media pages because... I like them)
Random picture of Nick on the tour which I like a lot...
Also a required stop on this trip was bring the SC crew to meet the newest family member. Can you even stand how adorable this baby is?!?!
I can't even...
Aaaaand here is a random picture of Henry from our dinner on Saturday night... I have around ten of these, and the conclude my picture taking from the weekend.  I apparently dropped the ball on photo taking this visit, which I guess means we will just have to do it again as soon as possible!

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