Nick had mentioned a few times leading up to the holidays that he would like to go to a hockey game over the break. I looked up tickets and found out that they were playing on New Years Eve, so one of my Christmas presents to the boys were Cincinnati Cyclone shirts and the promise of tickets! I wasn't positive we would go on NYE, but THEN I saw they were also having indoor fireworks and we were sold.
We invited along company, just for fun :)
Okay, so I am just now realizing why maybe I waited to write this post. Turns out I took a LOT of pictures. How about, for time sake, I just tell you what we did with a few pictures, then dump the rest at the end of the post... is that too lazy? Does anybody even care? LET'S GIVE IT A TRY!
So, Hockey!
Cyclones won, 4-0. It was exciting :)
And then the Fireworks! Which... were as exciting as indoor fireworks can be... I mean, there aren't a lot of creative options, but everyone seemed to find it festive. I thought it was a little alarming when sparks landed on the ice and the arena slowly filled with smoke... I am officially old.
After the show we headed back to our hotel to ring in the new year like the party animals we are...
Honestly, it was a ton of fun. One of my best New Years Eve's ever. We played games, ate pizza, drank some beer, and counted down the new year. Fun was had by all, even Super Kitty.
The next morning we headed out the the Cincinnati Museum Center.
They were having a Lego Exhibit which was AMAZING
I mean... these are made of LEGOS
More pictures of this at the end of the post...obviously. After the Legos we moved into the science museum, which was... also amazing.
I mean, it had a FREAKING THREE STORY CAVE in it!
And this entire glacier section...
And this giant sloth that apparently used to be a thing...
After we wrapped up the history museum we jumped to the Children's museum.... ALSO AWESOME. (go figure)
Aaaaaaaand after that we left. I mean, there are a ton more pictures (just keep scrolling) but by the time we wrapped up the children's museum they were closing (and who am I kidding, we were EXHAUSTED) and we didn't have time to go into the history museum (So looks like a return trip is needed!) On the way back into town we swung in to Aunt Candice and Lucas' New Years Day Dinner.
It was a perfect end to a perfect first day of 2016!
Now... pictures. It really was quite the mini-vacation. You can pack a LOT into 24 hours!

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