
Thursday, January 14, 2016


This blog post is a mess, but it's the best I can come up with today...

  • So I have an ear infection.  I know. I am an adult.  Apparently they happen to adults sometimes.   Go figure. Turns out, similar to bee stings, ear infections are significantly more painful that I would have thought prior to experiencing one. Not to be a baby, but SERIOUSLY. I also have a sinus infection and feel all around blah, so you know, good times.

  • Today was also the first day of lecture in my class, so that happened.  It's sometimes funny how easy teaching has become.  I was supposed to have 90 in the class but somehow have let in 104. People keep asking and I am TERRIBLE at saying no. Here's to packing the room and educating the masses on the importance of public health!

  • This weekend I am heading to my parents for my annual Father Daughter weekend with my dad. It was technically for his birthday which was back in June, but you know... life is busy.  Honestly, I am so excited for the weekend.  They will be lots of movies and football, plus lots of rest which is apparently what I need because EAR INFECTION.

  • Today is the anniversary of losing Mawmaw. I am not sure what to say about that beyond I miss her. I wish she was still here. I wish I could sit around her table and listen to her stories while playing cards. Time keep moving and sometimes that sucks.
  • Speaking of time moving, I have been thinking about Missy a lot lately.  We are in that window of time where I begin the game "three years ago at this time...".  Three years.  Man. I had a dream about her the other night and it was so real. I don't dream of her often, or maybe, I don't dream of her like THIS often. When it feels like she is sitting there with me. But it did. It felt like it was her, taking my hand and smiling. I smiled back, squeezing tight, and it was like I could feel her. Like I could physically feel her hand. I remember exactly how it felt in that dream, how tightly I held on. I looked at her for a second and smiled, and then I broke down. In the dream. In real life. I am not sure which. But ever since it, I am still feeling a little raw.  Three years is a long time to not have your baby sister.

  • On a lighter note, I didn't win the lottery. Shocking, I know.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you are feeling so rough!! Here's hoping you feel much better soon. What an emotional time of year it is for you, and what a beautiful (if highly emotional) dream - no wonder you have felt raw since then. I can't believe it has been three years, and yet it probably feels like so much longer for you. Sending hugs xox

    (oh it's Amanda from The Family Patch BTW... New blog and I'm taking a hiatus from Facebook so I haven't completely vanished, I'm still here reading along :))
