First thing's first, let's look at last year.
1. Take Henry to Disney World - YES! Totally DONE! And we loved every single second of it and will hopefully be going again this summer. DISNEY FOREVER!!
2. Be aware of charitable giving - YES! I mean, we can always be MORE aware, but we made serious strides in this area this year, which I feel was highlighted with Henry's desire to give money to Santa this year to help buy toys for all the boys and girls.
3. Read 20 books - Yes! Actually I read 34, which you can see on my Good Reads account.
4. Get over my fear of public speaking - Oh yes, gotta say this one has happened, which is a pretty big deal! Between teaching both semesters, once with 150 students, then another 100 in the fall, I have pretty much conquered my fear. Add in that I presented at the national conference in November and I feel confident that I could speak in front of anyone. I mean... as long as I am prepared. And I remember how to breath.
5. Have my research published - Yes! This happened! Although, I would like it to happen more in 2016.
So, FIVE FOR FIVE! I think this is my best year of resolutions EVER! It helps that I gave myself a couple of easy wins. Also, that I didn't put lose weight on the list. STILL WINNING AT RESOLUTIONS IN 2015!
So on to 2016:
1. Exercise at least three times per week: I specifically decided to not put diet and exercise on my list last year, and I am making the opposite decision this year. We will see how it goes. My hope is it remains a motivation over the next 12 months since that has totally been lacking this past year. The power of resolutions, right? RIGHT???
2. Lose Weight - anything below what I am currently at now is considered a win.
3. Publish three papers in academic journals - A work specific goal, which is extremely doable, but would make me feel great by next December if it comes true.
4. Help in Henry's classroom - I haven't gotten to do this at all with his first grade class, and I miss seeing him in the school environment, so on the list it goes!
5. Read the first Harry Potter to Henry - This is hopefully a gimme since we started it this week, but it will be a long road to read the entire book, and I want to be sure to stick with it to the end. I am so excited to introduce him to my favorite book series of all time, I don't think it will be a problem :)
Not really on the list, but my book reading goal for the year is 25.
And that's it! Let's hope I can be as successful this year as I was in 2015!

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