
Friday, March 25, 2016

Friday Already?

Well look at that. An entire week since my last post. I would ramble a little on excuses but I honestly don't have time. THAT is how busy I am. NO TIME FOR RAMBLING! There is some exciting stuff going on with work which, I realize is crazy vague, but it is keeping me busy. Tball is officially in full swing plus we are attempting to keep up with Cub Scouts, Henry's new theater group (which honestly is easy... he just goes after school, but I feel like I can mention it because ONE MORE THING!) and general life needs like homework, food, sleep... you get it.

Anyway, life is busy, but fun. Hope your's is too!

The Cardinals had their first tball scrimmage this week Henry and Cici both did great! Henry hit the ball to the outfield and threw two players out at first. I think he will enjoy this final season of tball :)


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