
Friday, March 18, 2016

Introducing Luke, Henry, and Darcy's YouTube Channel!!

Henry's best friend, Luke, has a dream, and that dream is simple. It is to become a famous YouTuber.  And, unsurprisingly, Henry has decided to share that dream, because nothing is better than sharing among best friends. They also decided to include Cici in the growing dream team, and she was instantly on board because, well, whatever the two boys want to do is undoubtedly the BEST IDEA EVER.  So on Wednesday, when all three kids were hanging out at our house after school, I offered to help them with creating a YouTube channel of their very own and helping them make their very first YouTube video. The response was... enthusiastic.  Of course, I didn't get that on film, which was my bad. I am new at this YouTube channel stuff. I will get better. But the channel has been created, which you can find HERE. And their first video can be seen below:

After showing the video to Henry he suggested I google how to add the small inscreen second video so we could always see them playing AND the game screen.  Good note, kiddo.  I will work on that for the next video. Also, lighting. And like, holding the camera still.. and maybe figuring out how to film the TV without just pointing a camera at it.... lots of work on my end (I might be regretting the channel already), but the kids did awesome :)

If you have a second to click over to YouTube and like or subscribe to their channel, or like their video, it would totally make their day. They are all pretty excited about being famous :)


1 comment:

  1. Oh how I love this - you guys rock!! Oscar had a blast watching the video :) We have subscribed, liked and commented!

    Amanda xx
